News & Analysis of Economic, Racial, Gender Justice and More

FEATURING MEDEA BENJAMIN – It has been a year since dissident Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul, Turkey, and never emerged again alive. It became subsequently known that Khashoggi was brutally murdered and dismembered inside the embassy by operatives linked to the highest levels of the Saudi royal family and especially Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

President Donald Trump has essentially dismissed the murder and all but expressed the greater importance of selling US weapons to Saudi Arabia, many of which are being used to fight a war in Yemen. It has now come to light that Trump’s calls to the crown prince were among those being kept secret at the White House.

Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of human rights group Global Exchange and the peace organization CODEPINK. She is a long-time political activist who has also written a number of books including ‘Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of the Unjust, Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control and more.’

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